Being the second child, Angel is definitely getting the short end of the photo stick. I'm trying to remember to take photos, but I wish I were doing so much better!
She learned to grab the ring and make the swing play music on 5/14:
These two girls love each other so much! I love how the both light up when they see each other! I'm amazed at how much abuse Angel puts up with from Sweet Pea, but she must know that Sweet Pea isn't normally meaning any harm.
I probably say this every month, but wow! I can't believe how fast time is flying! Angel is 4 months old today and is becoming such a fun little girl. Sweet Pea took a lot longer to come out of the newborn blob stage as I call it (cute, but not much fun overall) and I'm constantly being surprised by how quickly Angel develops. It's very different because I don't worry about her development. I can just sit and watch it happen instead of working tirelessly to help it happen. I just may end up being too laid back!
Angel greets us every time she wakes up in the morning and pretty much every nap time with a huge smile. She laughs when you laugh and loves zerberts on her belly. She loves to be roughly loved by her big sister even though it makes Mommy nervous. Sweet Pea loves to climb on top of Angel and give a full body hug. I always expect Angel to start crying, but it never fails that Angel has a huge smile on her face as I peel Sweet Pea off of her. Crazy little girl! It's true love between those two though!
We had her 4 month well baby visit on Tuesday the 24th and here were her stats:
Her weight dropped from 90% to 50%-75%, but since the head increased the doctor isn't worried about it. I'm happy with 50%-75% and I love that I am not stressing out about her weight like I did constantly with Sweet Pea. I packed up the infant scale before Angel was born and haven't gotten it out once! I love it!!!! It's a much more enjoyable way of raising a baby! I call Angel my Staples Easy Button, but I know that I wouldn't be appreciating her easiness without having experienced everything with Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea has taught me a ton and one of the most important things is to appreciate life and not to take things for granted. I think I'm finally doing that after 30 something years.
One of my favorite Angelisms is when she is falling asleep she will turn her head back and forth a lot and sometimes she lets out the cutest soft little coos. She seems to love falling asleep (most of the time) and it's a wonderful thing to watch her drift off in her bassinet. Here is a video clip of it...I won't be offended if you don't watch it all the way to the end. I just couldn't not show the end result too.
I stared at her for a long time today enjoying her fascination with the rattle and trying to keep her hands on it. The focus and determination on her face was so wonderful!
I have a very hard time capturing her smiling, but you get the idea...
Kodi had to come check out the big girl as she relaxed in her chair. Oh, and I finally put Angel in the Bumbo in front of Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea didn't mind at all! I definitely expected Sweet Pea to try to pull her out or sit on top of her. She just smiled and babbled away and I assume she was telling me what a big girl her sister is becoming and how she can't wait to play with her!
We have a wonderful family that is fairly new to our local Down syndrome support group and their little boy, Mason, is undergoing open heart surgery tomorrow (Thursday) at 8am to repair an av canal septal defect. Please keep Mason and his family in your prayers!
The last weekend in April we went to a local aquarium. Sweet Pea enjoyed it much more than she did a few months ago and I can see her enjoyment growing over the coming year. Auntie R gave Sweet Pea a family membership there for her birthday so we will be going a lot! This first trip we were lucky to have Auntie R and Uncle R join us too!
The very first tank...she wasn't sure what was happening...
We carried her a little, but left the stroller in the car so that she had to walk most of the time. She did great!
I think she wanted to catch the fish
I like her reflection in this one
She loved the name plates and would look at each and every one
Daddy heard Angel's very first laugh on May 10th when he was watching her while I was at a training. I couldn't believe that I am around her nearly 24/7 and yet Daddy got her first laugh! It really is only fair though since Angel tends to give Daddy a hard time when he does have her.
I worked hard to hear it and finally did on the 12th. It was only two days later, but boy was it a long two days! :-)
Here is a video I shot tonight of her laughing. It's definitely a more developed laugh then it was 12 days ago and it just highlights how quickly she is growing up!
This should have been the first "Catch Up" post, but I forgot...
I've been horrible about updating this blog and I have so much to share! I'm going to try to do a little catch up now...hopefully I can create a few posts tonight and post a new one each day for the next few days.
To are some random cuteness photos of Sweet Pea
She loves the wagon! Even if it isn't going anywhere...
She looks so grown up here and it looks like she is saying "oh mom". I'm afraid of what her teenage years are going to be like!
Sweet Pea is becoming a climber! She doesn't have the arm strength to get all the way up into her chair, but I think it is cute watching her try.
Sweet Pea crashed out hard one morning before school! She was sitting there with her Daddy and all of a sudden she was out. Needless to say she was a little late to school that day.
Sweet Pea pretending that she was actually going to eat
Sisterly love:
Angel enjoying some Mommy time
Mommy enjoying some Angel time too!
Angel often looks very concerned and worried...if I were in her shoes I would do the same!
This was a fun game of chase that had us rolling on the floor laughing as Sweet Pea swung the hammer as she chased her cousins. Couldn't capture it very well on camera, but I think you get the idea...