We had an impromptu photo shoot in our hallway today...they were just being too cute to pass up the chance. And looks like Angel might be an official sitter in the next couple of days!
Pure sweetness
Hug time
This one cracks me up...Sweet Pea looks like she is about to attack and Angel looks worried as can be. These expressions are all too common in this house!
We live close to the beach and yet we NEVER go! The last time Sweet Pea went to the beach...at least to the waters edge...was last summer and this summer is nearly over. We had to change! I knew that I wasn't able to take the girls to the beach by myself and Grandma offered to help me so off we went...
Angel loved it right from the start, but Sweet Pea wasn't so sure. The waves and water were okay, but when the waves receded...that sensation was too much for her. It's an odd feeling so I can't blame her, but I hope that she overcomes it eventually.
Not fun...
Sweet Pea ended up preferring playing in the sand...
Angel's first wave...
This is fun Mom! Why haven't you taken me to the beach before?
Thank you Grandma for helping to make it happen and for making it extra fun!
We had quite a day today! PT then OT then naps then swimming then park then dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house with my Aunt N from back east! And it was Grandpa's birthday to top it off! (I'm sorry Dad, but I had to throw that in there...I love you!) It's days like this that I know why it is 10:30pm and I've hardly gotten anything accomplished! Oh well...it's all very much worth it.
I was daring today and decided to try to have Sweet Pea walk to the park. I don't know why considering she had PT, OT and swimming already, but I did and you know what? She did pretty darn good! She walked all the way there without sitting down except for when she tripped a couple of time, but each of those times she got right back up with very little fussing. The way home wasn't nearly as smooth (or maybe quiet would be a better word), but she made it and that is what matters.
When we were leaving the house she was pushing her baby stroller so I thought I'd try to have her push that to the park. I thought it might distract her from the actual walk. Wrong! She did really well until she reached our neighbors house. I decided to bail on that idea and ran the stroller back home really quick. It was cute while it lasted though!
Sweet Pea surprised me at the park when she decided completely on her own that she would walk up the stairs that lead to the slide! Every other time we have been to this park she has just crawled up them and we haven't ever even tried to have her walk up them. I couldn't believe it when I saw her do it! And then she did it every single time she went up those stairs. I am so proud of her! Here is a quick video:
While we got dinner ready Cousin O was reading to Sweet Pea. He is going into first grade and has become quite the reader. It's great to listen to him and Sweet Pea loves being read to so it's a great pairing.
Shortly after the reading session Cousin O and Cousin C were entertaining both of our girls. It was too cute to listen to the giggles that were coming from both of my girls. It's clear that they are both smitten with their cousins! Here is a quick video that captures just a tiny piece of the joy that was occurring:
I received a great email from Signing Time that says that you can get a free digital copy of Signing Time Series 2 Volume 13: Who Has The Frog if you agree to provide them feedback. I thought some of you might want to take advantage of this offer since we all LOVE Signing Time so much!
Sweet Pea got a special visit at her center based therapy school today from Miss California! Noelle Freeman was just crowned Miss California in the end of June. Her platform was "A promising future for autism" so that makes sense why she was visiting since many of the kids in Sweet Pea's program have autism.
Grandmother, this post is for you! This card has been the best Halloween present Sweet Pea ever received as it has provided HOURS of entertainment for her. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this video!