Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ear Tube Surgery a Success!

Thank you for all the positive thoughts today!  They worked!  She did great!  I really wasn't worried, but it is always good when things go as planned.

The morning started much too early for my tastes...I got her out of her crib at 5am and tried to transfer her to the car while still sleeping, but she decided it was time to wake up.  She woke up in a great mood though and was a joy all the way up to the hospital.  We had to get there 1.5 hours before our surgery was scheduled to start and we were actually a little earlier than that due to very light traffic at that hour.

Here she is playing with Grandma while we waited to be called back:

A happy little girl at 6am!

Working on our fine motor skills with Grandma's sticker:

She had so much energy that we decided to literally walk some of it off:

Sweet Pea all dressed and ready to go...but they were no where near ready for her so we waited...

And waited:

And waited...

It really wasn't that long of a wait, but for a girl that wants to be on the move it was an eternity.  We tried to give her some medicine that was to help sedate her, but she refused it and since the alternative was for me to go back with her and stay with her while they sedated her I thought that was a better choice.  They took us back right about 7:30 and I sang to her (poor girl hears my bad signing all too often, but luckily she doesn't mind) while she drifted off with the laughing gas.  I kissed her goodbye and left the OR.  Grandma and I waited for just over 40 minutes until the ENT doctor came in to tell us that all went well.  He had tried to get the next size up tube in, but her ears were just too small and he couldn't do it.  Maybe by the next time they will be able to, but we will see.  He said that there was a lot of fluid in her ears so she should be able to hear much better now.  We were then escorted back to see her and as I enter the hallway I hear a child crying very loudly and ask if that is Sweet Pea...sure enough!  They said that she woke up really quickly from the sedation and that often when that happens they have a harder time coming out of it.  She kicked and cried and was very unhappy for about 15 minutes before she started to open her eyes and really come out of it.  By the time the 15 minutes were over she was beyond exhausted and crashed out in my arms.

When she woke up she was a bit groggy, but overall in a good mood.  We gave her a little formula and then were discharged.  We were on the way home by 9:30am which wasn't bad at all!  Grandma was nice enough to babysit for the day so that Sweet Pea didn't have to go to daycare and could have a more peaceful and calm day.  She did great all day and even handled the prescription drops in her ears tonight very well.  We enjoyed the couple of days off from the drops, but now we have to do them in both ears twice a day.  Instructions included no shampooing for 2 weeks so we need to try to keep her a little cleaner than normal during meal time so that her hair doesn't get completely gross.  Not easy to do, but we shall try.

Thank you again for all the positive thoughts!


  1. I'm glad everything went well...She looked so sweet in her little pink piggy jammies :)

  2. Good news Sweet Pea! Glad to hear it all went well! :)

  3. I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well. Good luck keeping the hair clean ;)

  4. so happy to hear it is over and it went well

  5. hey Owen had his ears done on the 3rd ! He went for a hearing test yesterday and is hearing much better but the left ear had some mucky fluid so he is on antibiotic drops to clear it up. have you noticed any difference yet?
